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Profile 'Nanny availiable'

Entity Type: Individual / Freelancer
Description: Hi There.
I am a Qualified Child care assistant and swim teacher with 6 years experience working in child care and 5 years as a Nanny.
I have always been around children as my parents did foster care while I was growing up for 8 years. (we had 64 foster childreen in that time!) As I got old enough I baby sat for foster care right untill I was 24.
I have baby sat for lots of other families as well.
I lived in as a Nany for 3 onths when I was 19.
and have nannied for children from as young as 5 days old right up to the age of 16.

I enjoy card making and scrapbooking in my spare time. And I have a casual cake aking and decorating and Photography busines.

Servicelance Introduction








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   Everyone wanting to get work done

Providers of Professional Services
   Individuals and Freelancers
   Professional mothers at home
   Skilled Students (legal ages only)