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Profile 'Natasha Gillard: Bridal Makeup Artist Sydney'

Entity Type: Business
Description: Natasha Gillard is a professional freelance Bridal Makeup Artist in Sydney.
As a professional makeup artist, my specialty is wedding and make up for special occasions, relying on my many years

experience to provide a top quality bridal makeup service to you anywhere in Sydney.
I welcome all clients and will travel throughout Sydney to provide an excellent bridal or special event make up service to

you at your choice of location.
My philosophy is to enhance your natural beauty through carefully chosen bridal makeup and artistic application to give you a

flawless look that will last through your event.
My calm and friendly personality will help put you at ease and I will go above and beyond to ensure that everything is

Natasha has completed various make up diplomas and courses through the acclaimed Napoleon Perdis and Mask Make Up academies

and is now recognised as one of the most professional Bridal makeup artist Sydney offers.
Please visit my website at or give me a call to discuss your wedding makeup needs.

Servicelance Introduction








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   Everyone wanting to get work done

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   Individuals and Freelancers
   Professional mothers at home
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