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Profile 'World Wide Markets - Online Forex Trading'

Entity Type: Business
Description: WorldWideMarkets N.V. is a fully regulated Forex and CFD Investment Firm regulated by the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM), which supervises the operation of the financial markets in the Netherlands, and Dutch National Bank (DNB). Further, the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive ('MiFID') is fully implemented in the Dutch Act on Financial Supervision. The innovative Twin Peaks regulatory model was pioneered by the Netherlands’ regulators to stay at the forefront of customer asset protection and is being adopted by other regulatory regimes across Europe.

We offer

- Forex Trading
- CFD Trading
- Equity Indices Trading
- Gold Trading

The platforms we offer

- Alpha Trader
- Flash Trader
- Meta Trader/MT4
- Mobile Platforms

Joining leading Forex Trading Platform:

Servicelance Introduction








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   Individuals and Freelancers
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